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Patchwork Help Afternoons

Patchwork Help Afternoons

Fortnightly Ongoing

1.30pm - 4.30pm

Each Session is £22.50

Next Dates (Click Book Now & select available date you want on the calendar)

Thursday 13th June

27th June

11th July

25th July

8th August

29th August

Or you can Pre book 8 sessions for £140 These can be used whenever you want. I will stamp your card when you use a session up!


Or pop by the shop to pick up a card or give me a call. This class is designed for people that have a patchwork or quilting project they need to have a bit of guidance with.

If you are a beginner & don't know where to start, I can provide patterns & instructions to start you off, but please note to start small & not too ambitious!

Sewing machine hire is available for £20 for 8 sessions or bring & get to know your way around yours as the term progresses.

Any Questions, don't hesitate to get in touch, call Becca on 07486062343

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